Aurel Lazar

Senior Software Engineer

About Me

I’m a Software Developer with a love for clean architecture, and a deep passion for quality. I’ve been using Unity to build games since 2011, and have a deep love for the engine, game design, and working in C#.

I’m a jack of all trades, and have a little bit of experience in almost everything. From mobile app development to VR; backend build systems to frontend UI development; native desktop code to web microservices; from File I/O to database management; network security to graphics/shader algorithms; I’ve dabbled in a little bit of everything. I may not be an expert in many things, but I’m very willing to learn new technologies, languages and methodologies all the time.

I’ve got years of experience in C#, C++, Java, Python, and many random web frameworks and languages, but I believe firmly that the most important skill is being able to scalably integrate multiple disparate systems together.


Poseidon CSG

Dynamic Level Design for Unity

Poseidon CSG is a level design tool specifically built by allowing users to dynamically intersect meshes together with one another in order to create new level geometry. Easily create levels by simply taking existing geometry and intersecting meshes together. When two meshes with Poseidon are intersected together, the end result is a clean, dynamic, union of the two.


Rec Room

Senior Software Engineer

June 2020 - Present

Tools & Pipeline C# Developer, Unity

  • (2023-2024) Designed & Implemented Downloadable Asset Pipeline
  • (2022) Created Rec Room’s Localization Pipeline and developer tooling to allow automatic internationalization efforts
  • (2021) Worked on CI/CD system in Jenkins, creating custom testing infrastructure, analytics of build metrics & build speedups, and custom Jenkins plugins
  • (2020) Worked on Rec Room Xbox Port

Immersed VR

Senior VR Developer

December 2018 - May 2020

Spatial computing company working on the future of work

VR developer for an Oculus Go/Quest productivity app meant for collaborative screen sharing in VR environments. Refactored entire codebase after being hired to take application from prototype to a scalable, testable, modular codebase. Worked on backend logic (screens, WebRTC, encoding), as well as frontend (Unity, Oculus VR, UX). Built Unity tooling for deployments, server-side data management. Worked to improve app enough to prepare it for being accepted into Facebook’s Oculus Quest App Store.

Cinderflame Studios

Co-founder, Lead Programmer, Game Designer, 3D Artist, Unity Tooling Engineer

January 2018 - Present
2012-2017, unofficially*

Indie Game Development studio with heavy focus on Unity tooling

Worked on a number of small game projects, creating underlying system infrastructure in the Unity3D engine as a C# developer. Worked on creating modular systems for Unity to enforce separation of code across various programming layers.

Worked on a GOAP (Goal Oriented Action Planning) AI for use in game jams and current in-development project. Experience with integrating AI and 3D animation systems together.

Released and launched a Constructive Solid Geometry tool for Unity called Poseidon CSG onto the Unity Asset Store. Poseidon CSG allows for dynamic mesh generation and kit-based level design by functioning as a Mesh intersection and carving tool.

From 2012-2017, worked as a Unity Engineer on a number of small games, some from game jams, others as side projects and hobbies.

Microsoft Corporation

Software Development Engineer II

March 2012 - January 2018

C++ developer on Microsoft Office’s shared authentication stack

Heavy focus on creating robust client side OAuth implementations to can handle server side issues. Implemented numerous components related to prompting for credentials, account management, and hooking into various OS level credential stores. Resolved multiple security vulnerabilities in the Office HTTP stack related to use of WinINET and WinHTTP; improved a number of C# services for various Office components; helped implement various Test Driven Development practices on team, despite legacy code environment.

Lead a small team of engineers working to build an intelligent analytics tracking service (.NET Core) for clustering user feedback & telemetry, and diagnosing potential outages and S2S issues.

Worked as a backend engineer to improve aspects of code architecture and reducing legacy technical debt. Did much work with build system to reduce developer feedback loop by modularizing giant DLLs into multiple smaller components.

Differential X, LLC

Co-founder, Software Engineer

April 2015 - April 2016

Created C#/XAML application targeting people struggling with ADHD deployed on Windows Phone. Worked with Azure MVC endpoints for data retrieval and prototyped Xamarin implementation on both iOS and Android.

Georgia Institute of Technology

Teaching Assistant

Fall 2009 - December 2011

Worked as a teaching assistant, aiding professors as an instructor of recitation/lab sessions, student tutor, and grader.

  • Constructing Proofs (CS1050),
  • Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (CS1331),
  • Objects and Design (CS2340, Head TA).


Georgia Institute of Technology

B.S. In Computer Science
Minor in French

August 2008 - December 2011

President’s Scholar
3.88 GPA (Faculty Honors)

Finished a degree in Computer Science with subfocuses in:

  • Computational Theory
  • Game Development, Graphics & Animation
  • Network Security
  • Artificial Intelligence

A Little More About Me

I’ve been married since August 2018! My wife and I lead worship at a small Romanian Baptist Church. We are passionate believers, and we love to sing together. We are learning new instruments all the time, trying to become better amateur musicians.

From 2013-2017, I was involved as a volunteer as the Vice-President of the Romanian Baptist Youth Association, where I had opportunities to travel to various Romanian-American churches around the US, organizing conferences, camps, and various training opportunites. I also have built various microservices for them, that I continue to manage to this day.

I’d say I like to hike, but to be honest, who doesn’t? I live in a gorgeous state with lots of great opportunities for exploring nature, but I don’t do it often enough.

I am an ardent reader of science fiction and fantasy, but lately have gotten into the world of philosophy and history. I am constantly looking for new ways of growing as a person, and new technologies I can become acquainted with.

I’m very passionate about computational ethics, and spend a lot of time thinking about the moral nature of what we do as programmers. I think there’s also great opportunity for faith-based organizations to think more about how software can be used.

I believe coding is simply a form of art, a poetry of logic. As a result, I constantly am looking for various artistic outlets to express myself, even if I am not particularly amazing. I write mediocre poetry, I am slowly teaching myself to paint better, I have been learning 3D modeling in Modo and in Blender, and I sing and play a few instruments at a basic level, etc. There’s always room for more art in one’s life.